Source code for

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib.colors import Colormap

from ..utils import deprecated, interactive_backend
from ._export import iter_alpha_blend_videos
from ._player import InteractivePlayer

[docs] @deprecated("use optimap.show_video instead") def play(video, skip_frame=1, title="", vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap="gray", interval=10, **kwargs): """Deprecated alias for :py:func:``.""" return show_video(video, skip_frame=skip_frame, title=title, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, interval=interval, **kwargs)
[docs] @deprecated("use optimap.show_video_pair instead") def play2(video1, video2, skip_frame=1, title1="", title2="", vmin1=None, vmax1=None, vmin2=None, vmax2=None, cmap1="gray", cmap2="gray", interval=10, **kwargs): """Deprecated alias for :py:func:``.""" return show_video_pair(video1, video2, skip_frame=skip_frame, title1=title1, title2=title2, vmin1=vmin1, vmax1=vmax1, vmin2=vmin2, vmax2=vmax2, cmap1=cmap1, cmap2=cmap2, interval=interval, **kwargs)
[docs] @deprecated("use optimap.show_videos instead") def playn(videos, skip_frame=1, titles=None, cmaps="gray", vmins=None, vmaxs=None, interval=10, **kwargs): """Deprecated alias for :py:func:``.""" return show_videos(videos, skip_frame=skip_frame, titles=titles, cmaps=cmaps, vmins=vmins, vmaxs=vmaxs, interval=interval, **kwargs)
[docs] @deprecated("use optimap.show_videos instead") def play_with_overlay(*args, **kwargs): """Deprecated alias for :py:func:``.""" return show_video_overlay(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_video(video, skip_frame=1, title="", vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap="gray", interval=10, **kwargs): """Simple video player based on matplotlib's animate function. See :py:func:`` for a player for two videos side-by-side, and :py:func:`` for a player for `n` videos side-by-side. .. note:: Using Monochrome is an alternative to this function, which allows for more control over the video player. See :py:func:`monochrome.show_array` for more information. >>> import monochrome as mc >>> mc.show_array(video) Parameters ---------- video : {t, x, y} np.ndarray Video to play. skip_frame : int, optional Skip every n-th frame, by default 1 title : str, optional Title of the video, by default "" vmin : float, optional Minimum value for the colorbar, by default None vmax : float, optional Maximum value for the colorbar, by default None cmap : str, optional Colormap to use, by default "gray" interval : int, optional Delay between frames in ms, by default 10. This is not the actual framerate, but the delay between frames. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` Returns ------- InteractivePlayer """ return show_videos( [video], skip_frame=skip_frame, titles=[title], cmaps=[cmap], vmins=[vmin], vmaxs=[vmax], interval=interval, **kwargs, )
[docs] def show_video_pair( video1, video2, skip_frame=1, title1="video1", title2="video2", cmap1="gray", cmap2="gray", interval=10, vmin1=None, vmax1=None, vmin2=None, vmax2=None, **kwargs, ): """Video player for two videos side-by-side based on matplotlib's animate function. Parameters ---------- video1 : {t, x, y} np.ndarray First video to play. video2 : {t, x, y} np.ndarray Second video to play. skip_frame : int, optional Skip every n-th frame, by default 1 title1 : str, optional Title of the first video, by default "video1" title2 : str, optional Title of the second video, by default "video2" cmap1 : str, optional Colormap to use for the first video, by default "gray" cmap2 : str, optional Colormap to use for the second video, by default "gray" vmin1 : float, optional Minimum value for the colorbar of the first video, by default None vmax1 : float, optional Maximum value for the colorbar of the first video, by default None vmin2 : float, optional Minimum value for the colorbar of the second video, by default None vmax2 : float, optional Maximum value for the colorbar of the second video, by default None interval : int, optional Delay between frames in ms, by default 10. This is not the actual framerate, but the delay between frames. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` Returns ------- InteractivePlayer """ if vmin1 is None and vmin2 is None: vmins = None else: vmins = [vmin1, vmin2] if vmax1 is None and vmax2 is None: vmaxs = None else: vmaxs = [vmax1, vmax2] return show_videos([video1, video2], skip_frame=skip_frame, titles=[title1, title2], cmaps=[cmap1, cmap2], vmins=vmins, vmaxs=vmaxs, interval=interval, **kwargs)
[docs] @interactive_backend def show_videos(videos, skip_frame=1, titles=None, cmaps="gray", vmins=None, vmaxs=None, interval=10, **kwargs): """Video player for `n` side-by-side videos based on matplotlib's animate function. Parameters ---------- videos: list of {t, x, y} np.ndarray Videos to play. skip_frame : int, optional Skip every n-th frame, by default 1 titles : list of str, optional Titles of the videos, by default None cmaps : str or list of str, optional Colormaps to use for the videos, by default "gray" vmins : float or list of floats, optional Minimum values for the colorbars, by default None vmaxs : float or list of floats, optional Maximum values for the colorbars, by default None interval : int, optional Delay between frames in ms, by default 10. This is not the actual framerate, but the delay between frames. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` Returns ------- InteractivePlayer """ n = len(videos) nt = len(videos[0]) for i in range(n): if videos[i].ndim < 3 or videos[i].ndim > 4: msg = f"Video {i} is not a video, it has shape {videos[i].shape}! Use show_image or show_traces instead." raise ValueError(msg) if len(videos[i]) < nt: msg = "videos have to be same length!" raise ValueError(msg) if titles is None: titles = [f"Video {i}" for i in range(n)] if isinstance(cmaps, (Colormap, str)): cmaps = [cmaps for i in range(n)] if vmins is None: vmins = [np.nanmin(videos[i][0]) for i in range(n)] elif isinstance(vmins, (int, float)): vmins = [vmins for _ in range(n)] if vmaxs is None: vmaxs = [np.nanmax(videos[i][0]) for i in range(n)] elif isinstance(vmaxs, (int, float)): vmaxs = [vmaxs for _ in range(n)] fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, n, **kwargs) if n == 1: axs = [axs] # needed to set the correct spacing between GUI elements for Player fig.suptitle(" ", font="monospace") imshows = [] for i in range(n): imshows.append( axs[i].imshow(videos[i][0], cmap=cmaps[i], interpolation="none", vmin=vmins[i], vmax=vmaxs[i]) ) axs[i].set_title(f"{titles[i]}") axs[i].axis("off") fig.tight_layout() def update(i): for j in range(n): imshows[j].set_data(videos[j][i]) ani = InteractivePlayer( fig=fig, func=update, start=0, end=len(videos[0]), step=skip_frame, interval=interval, ) return ani
[docs] @interactive_backend def show_video_overlay( base: np.ndarray, overlay: np.ndarray, alpha: np.ndarray = None, skip_frames: int = 1, cmap_base="gray", cmap_overlay="Purples", vmin_base=None, vmax_base=None, vmin_overlay=None, vmax_overlay=None, interval=10, **kwargs, ): """Play a video with an overlay. See :func:`export_video_with_overlay` and :func:`iter_alpha_blend_videos` for more information. Parameters ---------- base : np.ndarray Base video to play. overlay : np.ndarray Video to overlay on the base video. alpha : np.ndarray, optional Alpha channel for the overlay, by default None skip_frames : int, optional Show every n-th frame, by default 1 cmap_base : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional Colormap to use for the base video, by default "gray" cmap_overlay : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional Colormap to use for the overlay video, by default "Purples" vmin_base : float, optional Minimum value for the colorbar of the base video, by default None vmax_base : float, optional Maximum value for the colorbar of the base video, by default None vmin_overlay : float, optional Minimum value for the colorbar of the overlay video, by default None vmax_overlay : float, optional Maximum value for the colorbar of the overlay video, by default None interval : int, optional Delay between frames in ms, by default 10. This is not the actual framerate, but the delay between frames. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` Returns ------- matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(**kwargs) suptitle = fig.suptitle(f"Frame {0:4d}", font="monospace") imshow = ax.imshow(base[0], vmin=0, vmax=1) ax.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() def update(frame): i, frame = frame imshow.set_data(frame) suptitle.set_text(f"Frame {i*skip_frames:4d}") ani = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=enumerate(iter_alpha_blend_videos( base=base, overlay=overlay, alpha=alpha, skip_frames=skip_frames, cmap_base=cmap_base, cmap_overlay=cmap_overlay, vmin_base=vmin_base, vmax_base=vmax_base, vmin_overlay=vmin_overlay, vmax_overlay=vmax_overlay, )), interval=interval, save_count=base.shape[0], ) return ani